One of the most common and safest diagnostic methods is ultrasonography, i.e. USG.
At Saskavet, we have a high-class GE Versana ultrasound apparatus, thanks to which we can visualize even the most minor structures, i.e. adrenal glands in cats or perform examinations in exotic animals.


It would be best if you prepared your pet for the ultrasound examination.
First, your dog/cat should have a break from food intake from 10 to 12 hours before the scheduled test time.
In addition, the patient should have a full bladder, so we should avoid walking for about 1 hour before the examination or prevent using the litter box.

Prior registration is required for an ultrasound examination.

An exception to dietary preparation is an ultrasound of the lungs or heart, where there is no need to limit food intake


In animals after accidents or in a life-threatening state, we perform the so-called Ultrasound FAST. The procedure is aimed at assessing the clinical condition of the pet and detecting significant abnormalities in the abdominal cavity or heart, for which we do not require preparation.
The most common are bleeding into body cavities, organ ruptures, and fluid in the pericardial sac or pleural cavity.

FAST ultrasound is not a comprehensive assessment method of all organs; it focuses only on assessing essential vital functions. Therefore, the examination is repeated in a standard mode after stabilizing the patient.