For some animals, a visit to a veterinary clinic is particularly stressful. For veterinarians, proper clinical examination of such patients can be a real challenge, and for their caregivers, veterinary consultations are almost always a source of great nerves.
If you are the owner of an extremely fearful or aggressive dog/cat, always consult your veterinarian before the appointment! Remember that there are many ways to pharmacologically calm the animal BEFORE the visit. Individually selected medications, if administered early enough, will allow to achieve the desired degree of sedation, relaxation and weakening the reaction to external stimuli, thanks to which the patient will feel as comfortable as possible and the veterinarian will be able to perform the necessary procedures in a way that is safe for everyone present.
Remember, an animal’s aggression or fearfulness should never be a reason to resign from a veterinary consultation – ignoring the symptoms of the disease or neglecting the necessary prophylaxis may pose a threat to the animal’s health and life!