Pain is one of the most difficult sensory experiences that living creatures must face. Its diagnosis and treatment is our ethical obligation and an example of good clinical practice.
In recent years, a growing interest in the discipline of pain medicine, i.e. the so-called algesiology, has been observed. Thanks to the development of veterinary medicine, our four-legged friends are living longer and longer, which is inextricably linked with the occurrence of numerous chronic, pain-related diseases, such as cancer or osteoarthritis (OA). Patients with an acute pain (trauma patients, patients after extensive surgery) also do require comprehensive pain management.
Pain is not only a symptom, but also a co-existing disorder – a veterinarian should always look for its signs and, if possible, treat it, while, at the same time, identifying its cause. If the pain remain untreated the neuroendocrine stimulation occurs, which in turn triggers a cascade of events at the biochemical level. That can significantly slow down or event prevent the healing process.
Additionally, untreated pain can cause difficult to reverse changes in the CNS, leading to the development of the so-called chronic pain, which is a disease itself.
Determining the optimal pain therapy in a given case requires time and an individual, multidisciplinary approach. However, thanks to properly selected painkillers and supportive therapy, it is possible to significantly improve the animal’s well being and quality of life.
At SaskaVet Clinic, anesthesiology and pain management is handled by DVM Hanna Domańska.