The basis of good animal health is the regular use of antiparasitic pharmaceuticals.

The frequency of drug administration depends on the age and health condition of the animal:

  • puppy: you should proceed with the first deworming from the 2nd week of life every four weeks until the end of the 6th month.
    Then every two months until the end of the first year of life. Later this period will be extended up to 3 months.
  • kitten: you should carry out deworming from the 3rd /4th week of life every 4-5 weeks until the end of the 6th month.
    Then prophylactically every three months (in outdoor cats) or every six months (in indoor cats).
  • adult dog and cat: deworming medicaments are administered every three months if the animal has no symptoms from the digestive tract.
  • In addition, it is recommended to perform a stool test for internal parasites once a year to check the effectiveness of deworming.
  • In emaciated animals suffering from allergies or chronic diarrhoea, the veterinarian may recommend an individual deworming scheme based on the animal’s clinical condition.
  • Deworming should be carried out in a probiotic cover, e.g. containing a strain of Enterococcus faecium.


Collecting stool samples for three consecutive days or every second day would be best. Abnormal consistency stools (diarrhoea) are more diagnostic. Single samples (with the volume of a “hazelnut”) are placed in one stool container (it is allowed to collect material into a urine container) and stored in the fridge until samples are delivered to the Clinic.
Samples secured inappropriately (jar/paper/box) will not be accepted for analysis (risk of false results).


Fleas and ticks carry many diseases that severely threaten a pet’s life and health. Ticks can transmit diseases such as babesiosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease. Fleas, conversely, are carriers of the tapeworm, with which the animal becomes infected during hygienic activities, e.g. licking the hair. Fleas and ticks are with us all year round, so the prophylaxis should be constant, especially in dermatologically treated animals.

Several medical preparations are available: tablets, liquids poured onto the skin (so-called spot-on), collars and sprays for animals of low weight.

A veterinarian should select an appropriate and adequate medicine for your pet.


  • DogS

Dogs are routinely protected against four infectious diseases: parvovirus, canine distemper, Rubarth’s disease (infectious hepatitis), kennel cough and rabies.
In Poland, vaccination against rabies is mandatory for dogs and should be given once a year.

The primary vaccination scheme starts after the end of the 6th week of life.
There are 3 doses for the puppy (the 6th week, the 8-10th week, 12-16th week) and rabies vaccination between the 3rd and 4th month of life.
After a year, booster doses are administered, and subsequent vaccination dates for infectious diseases are determined individually.

Preparations against leptospirosis can extend vaccinations.
The scheme starts with two doses, in intervals of 4 weeks, and then we repeat it every year.

  • Cats

In the basic scheme, cats are vaccinated against three infectious diseases: calicivirosis, herpesvirosis and feline upper respiratory tract disease (URTD).

The vaccination scheme for cats includes two administrations: the first at 6-8. weeks, and the second around the10th -12th week of life.
A booster dose is given after one year. Subsequent vaccinations are held every two years.

Vaccination against rabies is mandatory. However, it is recommended due to Poland’s growing number of disease cases.

Additionally, vaccination against FeLV is recommended for outdoor cats.
Their inclusion into the scheme should take place after consultation with a veterinarian.

  • Ferrets

We protect ferrets against distemper and parvovirus.

We give two doses: in the 6th-8th week of life and the 10th – 12th week. After a year, we provide a booster dose, and vaccination should be repeated once a year.

Rabies vaccination is not mandatory but recommended.

  • Rabbits

In our Clinic, we perform immunization of rabbits against myxomatosis and rabbit fever (2 versions of the vaccine are available: against rabbit fever I and II).


We vaccinate only healthy animals that do not show any disease symptoms during the clinical examination during the visit.
In animals treated chronically, the veterinarian decides on the optimal time for protecting against infectious diseases.
In rabies vaccination, the guardian must certify that the animal has not bitten anyone during the last 21 days.


Protection against unwanted pregnancy can be done irreversibly, i.e. surgically (through castration) and in a conservative form with drugs administered in injections or tablets.

Injectable drugs postpone the occurrence of oestrus by about 17 weeks, and those administered in tablets, when used regularly, prevent the occurrence of oestrus.

We encourage you to read the “Reproduction” tab, where you will find more information.